Hancock County (Georgia) Cemeteries

Cemetery details

Mason Family Cemetery on Old Long plantation (not found)

GPS coordinates are approximate and may be off as much as 1/2 mile.

(approximate) Cemetery is most likely destroyed. From the Hancock County Courthouse, go northeast on Hwy 16 for 0.3 mile to the fork at the Sparta Baptist Church. Stay left on Hwy 16 and go east for about 6 miles to County Road 43 (R. H. Long Rd.) on the right. Turn right and follow this road for approximately 1.1 miles. On the left is the previous site of an old homestead and possibly the general area where the Mason Cemetery once was.

GPS coordinates: 33 18' 11.9" N 82 51' 51.1" W
or in degrees only form: 33.30331° N X 82.86419° W
See location on a Google map in a new window (NOTE:The map opens in a new window. The cemetery will be at the location indicated by a red marker.)

GMD: 112
Cemetery Status: Inactive
Predominant race: White

The land ownership of this cemetery included the families of: Thomas Mason (d. 1837), Dooley, and Long, per Louise Dunn Worsham and Mary Ann Willoughby. Louise Dunn Worsham (who is 96 at the time of this writing - in February, 2004) recalls a cemetery "on the old Mason farm" in approximately this area (on R. H. Long Road and near Dunn Rd). It was last seen in 1932, when it was overgrown by a large rose bush and surrounded by farm land.

Indexer or Contributor: Mary Ann Willoughby, Bill Jackson, Kathy Fuller and Susan Harrington

Number of persons found: 6
Unmarked Grave - Rebecca Kelley Dunn
1807 - ca. 1874
d. 1870/1874 w/o Augustus B. Dunn. Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Gordon L. Dunn who passed info to Mary Ann Willoughby. All info per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 1
Unmarked Grave - Augustus B. Dunn
Mar 1810 - May 3, 1896
Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 2
Unmarked Grave - Abner Kelley
1784 - Aug 16, 1859
Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 3
Unmarked Grave - Margaret Mason Kelley
1785 - May 16, 1866
Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 4
Unmarked Grave - Thomas Mason, Sr.

- 1837
birth year possibly 1746 Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 5
Unmarked Grave - Frances "Franky" Whatley Mason

Probably buried on "old Mason farm", per Mary Ann Willoughby.
Grave 6